Efficient and Fault Tolerant Backup Storage

Same Fault Tolerance -

25% More Efficient Data Storage

Imagine doing more with less -

Existing multicloud backup architectures use full data replication to ensure backup redundancy. This is expensive as the full data set is replicated multiple times, amplifying both storage and bandwidth costs.

Using Nexodata’s patented Network Coding technology, we have developed a software defined storage product that configures to 25% increase in storage efficiency and provides the same fault tolerance as full replication storage environments.

Nexodata solution overview

How Does it Work

Distributed Network-coded Backups

Nexodata’s patented nEdge-nCloud solution encrypts and separates the data into multiple chunks. Then this is distributed to a multicloud environment. 

To restore the data, an all-or-none amount of chunks from any location are merged together and decrypted. The efficiency is gained where there is less than a full set of data stored in each location. The resiliency part is that the data can be recovered even if a few chunks of data become corrupted. 

This puts us heads and shoulders above the competition. Traditional methodologies employs older erasure coding technology and is using 100% data replication for backup redundancy. This exposes to data loss in ransomware attacks and does not offer storage efficiency.

For technical details, check out the whitepapers in the Resources section.